Kleresca® Acne Treatment

Kleresca®  is a novel treatment for moderate to severe acne, utilising effect of a specific fluorescent light on the living tissue.

Kleresca® acne treatment addresses several factors responsible for causing acne: 

  • It combats the development of new lesions by killing the bacteria associated with development of acne
  • it reduces the severity of acne lesions by reducing inflammation, redness and swelling in the skin
  • it prevents complications of acne by reducing scarring in the affected area

This is achieved by exposing the affected skin to the fluorescent light energy, designed to influence cellular functions, initiate healing and collagen production.

The treatment is performed either twice a week for six weeks, or double treatment once weekly for 6  weeks and consists of applying photoconvergent Kleresca® gel onto the skin, which is then exposed to the high intensity LED light from the Kleresca® lamp for several minutes.


Treat Acne


Kleresca Acne Treatment in Coffs Harbour

After the procedure the skin is cleansed and moisturised.

The improvement usually takes 4-6 weeks to became noticeable, continues to improve over the next 12 to 18 weeks and is long lasting (results sustained at 12 and 18 months on follow up).

Kleresca® treatment is pain free, safe and well tolerated, and clinical trials showed no serious adverse events.

Its efficacy has been studied in clinical trials, confirming it is an effective treatment for moderate to severe acne.

If you would like to discuss how Kleresca® may help you with your problem acne, contact us today.



Before and after Kleresca® Acne Treatment


Acne Treatment Before & After 1

Patient 1 Baseline

Female patient with severe facial acne:
A 21 year old female who until recently used to have a 'perfect' skin. She recently begun to develop an eruption of nodular acne which became more aggressive 4 month prior to commencing Kleresca®. She is delighted with the effect of Kleresca®on her skin.

Baseline (Before treatment): Full face images of a female patient with severe facial acne with the presence of nodules.

Acne Treatment Before & After 2

Patient 1 Week 6

Week 6 (End of treatment): Reduction in inflammatory acne and size of nodule

Acne Treatment Before & After 3

Patient 1 Week 12

Week 12: Evidence of healing in areas of inflammatory acne

Acne Treatment Before & After 4

Patient 1 Week 18

Week 18: Marked reduction of active nodular acne and erythema as well as healing of ulcerated areas

Acne Treatment Before & After 5

Patient 1 Week 33

Week 33: Continued healing of active nodular acne and post inflammatory erythema on full face. No further evidence of active acne

Acne Treatment Before & After 6

Patient 1 Week 45

Week 45: Sustained clearance of nodular acne and further improvement of post inflammatory erythema

Acne Treatment Before & After 7

Patient 1 Week 57

Week 57: Sustained clearance of nodular acne, 2 new acne lesions visible